Thursday, October 8, 2009

I Remember

I remember at fourth grade
When you knew I had a crush on you.
You just said,"How dare you?"
I said nothing,but deep inside I want to say,"Not now,because I hate you!"

I remember when we held hands in the recognition program.
Your hand was soft,and it was like holding a cotton ball.
Mine was rough and hard,like a broken stone.
But I still can't believe that moment,the moment we held hands.

I remember at the first day of fifth grade,you were sitting in front of me.
I sang my whole heart out,thinking you'll talk to me.
But the sitting arrangement changed at the second day,
The day I cursed myself for not talking to you.

But when I asked you if you still remember the first day that I remembered.
The day you said "How dare you?"
breaking nowYou said,"No."
And you didn't know that deep inside you broke my heart.

After that I didn't want to share the memories I've known concerning you.
Us holding hands,and the time I had a crush on you.
I know that you'll just say,"What are you talking about?"
Don't want a second breaking now.

1 comment:

  1. "Losing love is like a window in your heart./
    Everybody sees you're torn apart,/
    Everybody sees the wind blows..."/

    Graceland.Paul Simon.
